Book Introductions, Book Reviews and Interviews are FREE services and requests are welcome all day, Every day, however, their popularity lasts only as long as the post stays visible. If you are looking for a cost effective way to maintain the coveted “above the fold” spot, try our paid placements. They are available on a first come, first serve basis for a minimum duration of 3 months.
If Desiring Book Promotion:
The book image will be linked to your product page on Amazon.com. Once payment has been made, please supply the cover image/banner in the specified dimension along with Amazon link or title’s ISBN. If your title is not listed on Amazon.com, we will still accept it however, there must be a site to which we may link.
If Service Promotion is Desired:
Your company logo or graphic of your choice will be linked to your website. Once payment has been made, please supply your logo or graphic in the specified dimension.
Who visits us?
Readers, Publicists, Agents, Publishers, Book Store Owners and Authors/Writers looking for services for web design, book covers, graphics, manuscript evaluation, and/or copy editing visit our site. Promote your book(s) or service(s) with BookZone or a site in our Network of Sites! Our promotional opportunities fit any budget.
All paid promotions run for a minimum of three months, unless otherwise indicated and are first come, first serve. We reserve the right to disapprove any ad request for material inappropriate for our site. Ads will be scheduled and placed as space is available, normally at the beginning of the month. Ad payment and information is requested no later than the 15th of the month for placement the following month (as space is available). We only accept PayPal.
Plan ahead… reserve your spot today!
Types of Ads Available:
125 x 125 Sidebar Ad
Shows on every page
There are four spots available at a cost of $7.50 each for a period of 3 months
250 x 250 Sidebar Ad
Top Ad on every page the sidebar appears
Only one spot available at a cost of $12.50 for a period of 3 months
468 x 60 Banner Ad Shows up on "front page" only.
Only one banner spot available at a cost of $15.00 for a period of 3 months.
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