Review: Sometimes Grandma and Grandpa Forget by Kacy Chambers


Sometimes Grandma and Grandpa Forget by Kacy Chambers

Genre: Children's Picture Book

Ages: Infant - 8

Date Published: November 21, 2020

Publisher: Great Books Publishing company


Why can't Grandma and Grandpa remember things anymore?

What is wrong with Grandma and Grandpa?

Children understand far more than adults often give them credit for. They are observers. They recognize changes. When the people they love begin behaving differently, often, children are the first to notice.

That's when adults should step in and answer their questions, listen to their concerns, provide guidelines, and help them brainstorm ways to help those suffering from dementia or its most common cause-Alzheimer's.

Written in a children's story format, Sometimes Grandma and Grandpa Forget provides the perfect platform for parents to begin a much-needed conversation and help ease children's worries. Starting from a place of knowledge will empower them to continue to love, assist where possible, and understand that dementia is a disease that affects people; it shouldn't define them.

Book details:

Ideal For All Ages, Especially 4-6
Teaches Children About Dementia and Alzheimer's
Helps Spark Important Conversations A Difficult Topic
Features Colorful Pictures and An Engaging Narrative
And Much More

So if you're in need of a tool that offers an informative, age-appropriate discussion about dementia, then this book is for you.


Kacy C. Chambers is an author, illustrator, and proud mother of two. Having fallen in love with writing and poetry from a young age, Kacy has a passion for using stories to teach children about important ideas and concepts. After having her own kids, she realized how difficult it was to find books on the topics she wanted to teach them about, so she began creating her own. Kacy believes that stories are a great teaching tool and that they offer a unique opportunity to teach memorable lessons in a fun and engaging way.


I love the fact that this book is about dementia associated with Alzheimer’s. I also love the fact that it is especially for kids. Life is confusing enough for kids in general. This helps Peter understand why grandma keeps calling him John and his name is Peter or why grandpa keeps looking for the glasses on his nose. The discussion gives reassurance that they are loved making the rest of the story easier to share.

I have had firsthand experience with dementia. My mom faded away right before my eyes to become, once again her childhood self until she passed away in 2018.

How do you explain to a child that his grandma or grandpa loves him but can't remember him? It was hard enough for me as an adult to experience, much less a child so thank you, Kacy!

What I liked:

- The concept and the timeliness of the book
- That the author incorporated real pictures of the family for relativity which made it special
- The author keeps the text simple

What gave me pause?

- The presentation of the entire book did not match the stellar theme
- The text and the images didn't seem to go together. The text was fine by itself and the pictures were fine, however, together they did not work for me.

Please note: I received a free copy for review, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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